Monday, April 28, 2014

The Penderwicks

The Penderwicks are a very talented family.  Their dad is a botanist, the youngest, Batty, has a gift with animals, Jane is a writer, Skye is an athlete, but with a temper, and Rosalind takes care of her family.  In this story the family goes on a summer vacation.  They wanted to go to their usual summer house, but it was already rented, so they eventually had to go to Arundel- a big mansion with a cottage in the backyard for renters.

A gardener named Cagney and a boy named Jeffery live at the mansion and make the summer lots of fun!  Rosalind becomes friends with Cagney, Batty almost gets killed by a bull, Skye, Jane, and Jeffery play soccer, and there is this awful Dexter Dupree always making trouble for the girls.  They made a target with his face on it! 

We liked this so much we got the second book and are looking forward to the third!

1 comment:

  1. sounds like a really cool series:) I should check it out.
